Classes | |
class | ADate |
Class for date attributes. More... | |
class | ANumeric |
Class for numeric attributes. More... | |
class | AssignmentParse |
Class to parse a single assignment. More... | |
class | ATime |
Class for time attributes. More... | |
class | ATimestamp |
Class for timestamp (containing date and time) attributes. More... | |
class | IAttribute |
Baseclass for attributes. More... | |
class | Attribute |
Template representing an attribute of a specific type. More... | |
class | AttributeList |
Template for a list of attributes of a specific type. More... | |
class | MetaEnumAttribute |
An attribute to assign an integer-value from a list of string-values. More... | |
class | AttributeMap |
Template for a map of attributes of a specific type. More... | |
class | AttributeParse |
Class to parse attribute-assignments from a string and sets its values into attribute-values. More... | |
class | AttributValue |
Base-class for all attribut-values. More... | |
class | AYear |
Class for year attributes. More... | |
class | ConnectionMgr |
Class to handle the connections an application can have. More... | |
class | RegularExpression |
Class to compare text with (UNIX-style) regular expressions. More... | |
class | DirectorySearch |
Class to search for files in a certain (locally accesable) directory. More... | |
class | DynTrace |
Class for writing trace-messages, which can be dynamically switched on and off at runtime. More... | |
class | DynTraceManager |
Class to manage the created DynTraces classes. More... | |
class | Entity |
Baseclass for classes holding (a list of) attributes. More... | |
class | FileError |
Exception indicating an error handling files. More... | |
class | CommError |
Exception indicating an error handling network communication. More... | |
class | ParseError |
Exception indicating an error parsing. More... | |
class | ExecError |
Exception indicating an error executing a program. More... | |
class | InvalidValue |
Exception indicating an invalid value. More... | |
struct | File |
Class representing a file in the file system of the operating system. More... | |
class | FileRegularExpr |
Class to compare text with (UNIX-file-style) regular expressions. More... | |
class | FileTypeChecker |
Base-class to check for file-types. More... | |
class | FileTypeCheckerByExtension |
Class to check for the type of a file (e.g. More... | |
class | FileTypeCheckerByCaseExt |
Class to check for the type of a file (e.g. More... | |
class | FileTypeCheckerByContent |
Type to check for type of files by the content of the file. More... | |
class | IDirectorySearch |
Abstract baseclass providing an interface for classes to search in directory-structures. More... | |
class | INISection |
Class to handle the information stored in a section of an INI-file (see INIFile for more details). More... | |
class | INIList |
Class to parse all entries of a section into a list (vector) of values (see INIFile for more details). More... | |
class | INIMap |
Class to parse all entries of a section into a list (map) of values (see INIFile for more details). More... | |
class | INIFile |
Class to handle the information of an INI-file (containing the settings of an application). More... | |
class | IVIOApplication |
Class to handle the startup of a program, which includes reading the data stored in an INI file and (afterwards) the parsing of the parameters before the actual run of the program. More... | |
class | Syslog |
Class to perform some logging to either a log-file (if available) or to the console. More... | |
class | MetaEnum |
Class to handle enumerations; in counterpart to C-style enums those values can be accessed by number and name. More... | |
class | Module |
Dynamically loading of modules. More... | |
class | Mutex |
Class for mutual exclusive devices. More... | |
class | ParseObject |
Classes to parse objects and sequences of objects from a stream. More... | |
class | ParseEOF |
Class to parse the end of a file (EOF). More... | |
class | ParseSkip |
Class to skip some characters (default from the current position in the stream). More... | |
class | ParseAttomic |
Class to parse an attomic value; Base-class of all attomic values. More... | |
class | ParseText |
Class to parse text until specified abort-characters are found. More... | |
class | ParseTextEsc |
Class to parse text until a certain abort-criteria (as in ParseText). More... | |
class | ParseQuoted |
Class to parse a quoted text-value until a specified abort-character is found. More... | |
class | ParseQuotedEsc |
Class to parse a quoted text-value until a specified abort-character is found. More... | |
class | ParseExact |
Class to parse exactly a certain text (case-sensitive!). More... | |
class | ParseUpperExact |
Class to parse exactly a certain text (not case-sensitive!). More... | |
class | ParseToText |
Class to parse text until the specified text is found. More... | |
class | ParseSequence |
Class to parse series of ParseObjects (sequences). More... | |
class | ParseSelection |
Class to parse a selection of one ParseObject out of a list. More... | |
class | CBParseEOF |
Class to check if EOF is parsed. More... | |
class | CBParseSkip |
Class to skip some characters (from the current position in the stream). More... | |
class | CBParseAttomic |
Class to parse a attomic value with callback-function if object was found. More... | |
class | CBParseText |
Class to parse text til a certain abort-criteria with a callback (executed if an object was found). More... | |
class | CBParseTextEsc |
Class to parse text til a certain abort-criteria (as in CBParseText). More... | |
class | CBParseQuoted |
Class to parse quoted text. More... | |
class | CBParseQuotedEsc |
Class to parse quoted text. More... | |
class | CBParseExact |
Class to parse exactly a certain text (case-sensitive!). More... | |
class | CBParseUpperExact |
Class to parse exactly a certain text (not case-sensitive!). More... | |
class | CBParseToText |
Class to parse text until the specified text is found. More... | |
class | CBParseSequence |
Class to parse sequences (series of ParseObjects). More... | |
class | CBParseSelection |
Class to parse selections (list of ParseObjects where just one entry must be valid). More... | |
class | OFParseEOF |
Class to check if EOF is parsed. More... | |
class | OFParseSkip |
Class to skip some characters (from the current position in the stream). More... | |
class | OFParseAttomic |
Class to parse a attomic value with callback-function if object found. More... | |
class | OFParseText |
Class to parse text til a certain abort-criteria with callback-found (called if an object was found). More... | |
class | OFParseTextEsc |
Class to parse text til a certain abort-criteria (as in OFParseText). More... | |
class | OFParseQuoted |
Class to parse quoted text; which is returned without the quotes. More... | |
class | OFParseQuotedEsc |
Class to parse quoted text; which is returned without the quotes. More... | |
class | OFParseExact |
Class to parse exactly a certain text (case-sensitive!). More... | |
class | OFParseUpperExact |
Class to parse exactly a certain text (not case-sensitive!). More... | |
class | OFParseToText |
Class to parse text until the specified text is found. More... | |
class | OFParseSequence |
Class to parse sequences (series of ParseObjects). More... | |
class | OFParseSelection |
Class to parse selections (list of ParseObjects where just one entry must be valid). More... | |
class | Path |
class | PathDirectorySearch |
Class to search for files in directories listed in a path. More... | |
class | Process |
Class to execute a program either synchronlously or asynchronlously. More... | |
class | RemoteDirSearch |
Class to search for files in a directory over a network-connection. More... | |
class | RemoteDirSearchSrv |
Class for a server to enable remote directory searching. More... | |
class | IRegularExpression |
Base-class for any regular expression. More... | |
class | RelationManager |
Class to manage the created relations. More... | |
struct | lessDereferenced |
Functor for comparing boost::shared_ptrs. More... | |
class | IRelation |
Class connecting (relating) objects of two classes (which must be derived from boost::shared_ptr). More... | |
class | Relation1_1 |
1-to-1 relation. More... | |
class | Relation1_N |
1-to-N relation without a limit for N. More... | |
class | Relation1_X |
1-to-N relation with a limited N. More... | |
class | RelationN_M |
N-to-M relation. More... | |
struct | RemoteFile |
Class representing a file on a remote server with simple management-functions. More... | |
class | Socket |
A socket is a generalized interprocess communication channel, which supports communication between unrelated processes, and even between processes running on different machines that communicate over a network. More... | |
class | SortedDirSearch |
Class to search for files in a certain directory. More... | |
class | StatusObject |
Object holding status information. More... | |
class | TableWriter |
Baseclass to write tabular information. More... | |
class | Thread |
Class to execute a certain function in a thread. More... | |
class | OThread |
Class to execute a member-function in a thread. More... | |
class | XDirectorySearch |
Template to add file in- and exlusion to the *DirectorySearch classes. More... | |
class | extStreambuf |
Extended streambuf, designed to parse text. More... | |
struct | extStream |
Extended stream, designed to parse text. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct File | File |
typedef int(* | PARSECALLBACK )(const char *, unsigned int) |
typedef YGP::RemoteFile | RemoteFile |
typedef boost::tokenizer < boost::char_separator< char > > | tokenizer |
typedef XDirectorySearch < DirectorySearch > | ExtDirectorySearch |
typedef XDirectorySearch < RemoteDirSearch > | ExtRemoteDirSearch |
typedef XDirectorySearch < PathDirectorySearch > | ExtPathDirectorySearch |
typedef extStream< std::istream > | Xistream |
typedef extStream< std::ifstream > | Xifstream |
Functions | |
ADate | operator+ (const ADate &lhs, const ADate &rhs) |
ADate | operator- (const ADate &lhs, const ADate &rhs) |
ANumeric | operator+ (const ANumeric &lhs, const ANumeric &rhs) |
ANumeric | operator- (const ANumeric &lhs, const ANumeric &rhs) |
ANumeric | operator* (const ANumeric &lhs, const ANumeric &rhs) |
ANumeric | operator/ (const ANumeric &lhs, const ANumeric &rhs) |
ATime | operator+ (const ATime &lhs, const ATime &rhs) |
ATime | operator- (const ATime &lhs, const ATime &rhs) |
ATimestamp | operator+ (const ATimestamp &lhs, const ATimestamp &rhs) |
ATimestamp | operator- (const ATimestamp &lhs, const ATimestamp &rhs) |
AYear | operator+ (const AYear &lhs, const AYear &rhs) |
AYear | operator- (const AYear &lhs, const AYear &rhs) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Entity &obj) throw () |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &in, Entity &obj) throw () |
static bool | isRegionNegator (const char ch) |
static const unsigned int | ID_MP3 (0xE0FF) |
static bool | isOptionChar (const char ch) |
static const unsigned int | ID_PKZIP_LOCALHDR (0x04034b50) |
static const unsigned int | ID_PKZIP_END_CDR (0x06054B50) |
static const unsigned int | ID_PKZIP_CENTRALFILEHDR (0x02014b50) |
unsigned int | getFileOffsetInArchive (std::istream &stream, char *buffer, const char *file, unsigned int lenFile) |
unsigned int | get2BytesLSB (const char *pAddr) |
unsigned int | get2BytesMSB (const char *pAddr) |
unsigned long | get4BytesLSB (const char *pAddr) |
unsigned long | get4BytesMSB (const char *pAddr) |
bool | _XDSfileIsValid (const std::string &files, const char *pFile) |
void | _XDSaddNode (std::string &list, char prefix, const std::string &node) |
Variables | |
const char | MULTIMATCHOPT = '*' |
const char | MULTIMATCHMAND = '+' |
const char | MULTIMATCH1 = '?' |
const char | BOUNDBEG = '{' |
const char | BOUNDEND = '}' |
const char | SINGLEMATCH = '.' |
const char | LINEBEGIN = '^' |
const char | LINEEND = '$' |
const char | ESCAPE = '\\' |
const char | GROUPBEGIN = '(' |
const char | GROUPEND = ')' |
const char | ALTERNATIVE = '|' |
const char | REGIONBEGIN = '[' |
const char | REGIONEND = ']' |
const char | RANGE = '-' |
const char | NEGREGION1 = '^' |
const char | NEGREGION2 = '!' |
const char | REGIONCLASS = ':' |
const char | WORD = 'w' |
const char | NOTWORD = 'W' |
const char | WORDBORDER = 'b' |
const char | NOTWORDBORDER = 'B' |
const char | WORDBEGIN = '<' |
const char | WORDEND = '>' |
const char | MULTIMATCH = '*' |
const char | REGIONCOLLATE = '.' |
static const char | ID_PDF [] = "%PDF" |
static const char | ID_RTF [] = "{\\rtf" |
static const char | ID_ABIWORD [] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE abiword PUBLIC \"-//ABISOURCE//DTD AWML" |
static const char | ID_ID3 [] = "ID3" |
static const char | ID_GIF87 [] = "GIF87a" |
static const char | ID_GIF89 [] = "GIF89a" |
static const char | ID_OGG [] = "OggS" |
static const char | ID_JPEG [] = "\xFF\xD8\xFF\xE0\x00\x10JFIF" |
static const char | ID_PNG [] = "\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A" |
static const char | ID_HTML [] = "<!DOCTYPE HTML" |
static const char | ID_MSOFFICE [] = "\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1" |
static const char | ID_STAROFFICE [] = "SfxDocumentInfo" |
Declare ExtDirectorySearch as shortcut.
Declare ExtPathDirectorySearch as shortcut.
Declare ExtRemoteDirSearch as shortcut.
typedef int(* YGP::PARSECALLBACK)(const char *, unsigned int) |
Prototype of callback-function (called if an object is found).
The return-value specifies how the parsing should be continued: 0 ..... Parsing (and callback OK) > 0 ... Error while parsing; parsing can be continued (in sequences, ...) < 0 ... Error while parsing; abort parsing (unrecoverable error) If possible use the error-values in the error-enum
typedef YGP::RemoteFile YGP::RemoteFile |
Class representing a file on a remote server with simple management-functions.
This class offers the same functionality as its parent although the file is (or can be) actually stored on a remote computer.
This class is not really (very) useful by itself but designed to be used by a RemoteDirSearch-object.
typedef extStream<std::ifstream> YGP::Xifstream |
Declare Xifstream as shortcut.
typedef extStream<std::istream> YGP::Xistream |
Declare Xistream as shortcut.
void YGP::_XDSaddNode | ( | std::string & | list, | |
char | prefix, | |||
const std::string & | node | |||
) |
Prefixes a list with another list of nodes.
Every subnode of the node is prefixed with the specified prefix-character
list | List to change | |
prefix | Leading character | |
node | Node to check |
bool YGP::_XDSfileIsValid | ( | const std::string & | files, | |
const char * | pFile | |||
) |
Checks the validity of the filename.
files | Nodes of files to in/exclude | |
pFile | Pointer to filename |
unsigned int YGP::getFileOffsetInArchive | ( | std::istream & | stream, | |
char * | buffer, | |||
const char * | file, | |||
unsigned int | lenFile | |||
) |
Checks if the passed stream is a ZIP-archive having the passed file inside.
stream | Stream from where to read more characters | |
buffer | Buffer to inspect | |
file | Name of file which must be inside the ZIP-file | |
length | Lenght of file-name |
static bool YGP::isOptionChar | ( | const char | ch | ) | [inline, static] |
Checks char if it starts an option.
ch | Character to check |
ANumeric YGP::operator* | ( | const ANumeric & | lhs, | |
const ANumeric & | rhs | |||
) |
Multiplies rhs and lhs and returns the result.
If one object is defined, the other is treated as "1"; so only if both objects are undefined, the result is undefined.
lhs | Left-hand-side of mulitplication | |
rhs | Right-hand-side of mulitplication |
AYear YGP::operator+ | ( | const AYear & | lhs, | |
const AYear & | rhs | |||
) |
Adds two year-values and returns the result.
An undefined year is treated as "0.0.0"; the result is (remains) undefined if both objects are undefined. Overflows (of day or month) are corrected.
lhs | Left-hand-side of addition | |
rhs | Right-hand-side of addition |
ATimestamp YGP::operator+ | ( | const ATimestamp & | lhs, | |
const ATimestamp & | rhs | |||
) |
Returns the addition of two timestamp-values.
An undefined time is treated as "0.0.0 0:00:00"; if both objects are undefined, the result is undefined. Overflows are corrected.
lhs | Left-hand-side of addition | |
rhs | Right-hand-side of addition |
ATime YGP::operator+ | ( | const ATime & | lhs, | |
const ATime & | rhs | |||
) |
Returns the addition of two time-values.
An undefined time is treated as "0:00:00"; if both objects are undefined, the result is undefined. Overflows of seconds or minutes are corrected, overflows of the hour undefines the object.
lhs | Left-hand-side of addition | |
rhs | Right-hand-side of addition |
ANumeric YGP::operator+ | ( | const ANumeric & | lhs, | |
const ANumeric & | rhs | |||
) |
Adds lhs and rhs and returns the result.
If one object is defined, the other object is treated as "0"; so only if both objects are undefined, the result is undefined.
lhs | Left-hand-side of addition | |
rhs | Right-hand-side of addition |
ADate YGP::operator+ | ( | const ADate & | lhs, | |
const ADate & | rhs | |||
) |
Adds two date-values and returns the result.
An undefined date is treated as "0.0.0"; the result is (remains) undefined if both objects are undefined. Overflows (of day or month) are corrected.
lhs | Left-hand-side of addition | |
rhs | Right-hand-side of addition |
AYear YGP::operator- | ( | const AYear & | lhs, | |
const AYear & | rhs | |||
) |
Substracts two year-values and returns the result.
An undefined year is treated as "0.0.0"; the result is (remains) undefined if both objects are undefined. Overflows (of day or month) are corrected.
lhs | Left-hand-side of substraction | |
rhs | Right-hand-side of substraction |
ATimestamp YGP::operator- | ( | const ATimestamp & | lhs, | |
const ATimestamp & | rhs | |||
) |
Returns the substraction of two timestamp-values.
An undefined time is treated as "0.0.0 0:00:00"; if both objects are undefined, the result is undefined. Underflows are corrected.
lhs | Left-hand-side of substraction | |
rhs | Right-hand-side of substraction |
ATime YGP::operator- | ( | const ATime & | lhs, | |
const ATime & | rhs | |||
) |
Returns the substraction of two time-values.
An undefined time is treated as "0:00:00"; if both objects are undefined, the result is undefined. Underflows of seconds or minutes are corrected, underflows of the hour undefines the object.
lhs | Left-hand-side of substraction | |
rhs | Right-hand-side of substraction |
ANumeric YGP::operator- | ( | const ANumeric & | lhs, | |
const ANumeric & | rhs | |||
) |
Substracts rhs from lhs and returns the result.
If one object is defined, the other is is treated as "0"; so only if both objects are undefined, the result is undefined.
lhs | Left-hand-side of substraction | |
rhs | Right-hand-side of substraction |
ADate YGP::operator- | ( | const ADate & | lhs, | |
const ADate & | rhs | |||
) |
Substracts two date-values and returns the result.
An undefined date is treated as "0.0.0"; the result is (remains) undefined if both objects are undefined. Overflows (of day or month) are corrected.
lhs | Left-hand-side of substraction | |
rhs | Right-hand-side of substraction |
ANumeric YGP::operator/ | ( | const ANumeric & | lhs, | |
const ANumeric & | rhs | |||
) |
Divides this by another number-object.
If only one object is defined, the other is treated as "1"; so only if both objects are undefined, the result is undefined.
lhs | Left-hand-side of division | |
rhs | Right-hand-side of division |
std::ostream& YGP::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, | |
const Entity & | obj | |||
) | throw () |
Writes the attributes to a stream.
out | Stream to write to | |
obj | Object to write |
Anything | that operator<< of the attributes might throw |
std::istream& YGP::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | in, | |
Entity & | obj | |||
) | throw () |
Reads the attributes from a stream.
in | Stream to read from | |
obj | Object to read |
Anything | that operator>> of the attributes might throw |