YGP::DynTrace Class Reference

Class for writing trace-messages, which can be dynamically switched on and off at runtime. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DynTrace (const char *subsystem)
 ~DynTrace ()
int getLevel () const
void setLevel (int newLevel)

Detailed Description

Class for writing trace-messages, which can be dynamically switched on and off at runtime.

To use this class, define a (static) object in a class/method/... which you want to trace dynamically. If you name this object _dt_, you can use one of the above TRACE-macros (thus replacing the TRACE-macros from YGP/Trace.h, or else use the OTRACE-macros accordingly.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

YGP::DynTrace::DynTrace ( const char *  subsystem  ) 


subsystem Name of subsystem

YGP::DynTrace::~DynTrace (  ) 


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YGP Version 0.9.31 - Generated on Wed Nov 18 11:25:27 2009 by doxygen 1.5.8